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PE & Sport Provision

Our 2024/2025 Sports Premium


Funding for schools will be calculated by reference to the number of primary-aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11), as recorded in the annual school’s census.

This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.


Schools are free to determine how best to use this funding to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.

From 1 September 2013, inspectors will assess and report on how effectively this new funding is being used to improve PE and Sport provision when making the judgement on the quality of the school’s leadership and management.

Inspectors will use evidence gained from meetings with school leaders, including governors to assess the impact of additional funding on improving the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision. Inspectors may also use evidence from observations of lessons and/or extra-curricular sports clubs, and discussions with pupils. Inspectors may also review the details of a school’s PE and sport provision on their school website prior to an inspection. 

Schools will also be required to include details of their provision of PE and sport on their website, alongside details of their broader curriculum, so that parents can compare sports provision between schools, both within and beyond the school day.

 Refer to: Inspecting primary school PE and school sport: new funding document

 Physical Education at Knaresborough St John’s

St. John’s Primary School’s vision is underpinned by CHIA – Compassion, Honesty, Integrity and Awe. We feel that Physical Education plays an important role in helping us to fulfil this vision. Our vision is for all children to be able to enjoy participating in physical activity in PE, during lunchtime activities, at after school clubs, at festivals, during competitions/tournaments and through learning leadership skills and opportunities. We work hard to ensure that our offerings for extra-curricular clubs and activities meet the needs and wants of our families through regular consultations.

Our PE curriculum

The National Curriculum for PE is what our vision is based upon. We achieve this through our delivery of Physical Education using the Real PE model and their online learning platform. The online platform provides interactive lessons for each year group and ensures progression from Early Years (EYFS) through to Year 6. We feel that Real PE fits our school’s context and provides for all ability levels. In EYFS, the strands of Real PE dovetail with the Early Learning Goals the children are striving to achieve and helps the children get ready for PE in Year 1. The use of Real PE allows for a consistent approach to the teaching of PE throughout the school. Children are now becoming more familiar with this style of teaching, therefore reducing the cognitive load to help to embedded the learning.                            

The Real PE programme was first implemented in 2020. In 2022 we invested more money into the development of the PE curriculum and we are now a Real Legacy school. This provides the school with extra training and CPD for the duration of the next two years. Children undertake modules from the Core Real PE, Real Gym and most recently Real Dance schemes of work throughout the year alongside other sports and skills.  

Real PE has the mantra – “Creating positive relationships with physical activity for life” which is important to all of the staff and children at St. Johns Primary school. Real PE provides progression for all year groups, the ability to build on previously taught skills and a consistent approach.  Children start with a warm up which may be a ‘fusion’ warm up that exercises both cognitive and physical skills, they are then introduced to a new skill and are then taught how to incorporate this skill in an activity or mini game. Strategies and tactics are discussed but no formal team game rules are explicitly taught.

The children consider the health implications of being physically active and cross reference knowledge from other subjects to understand the importance of exercise.

We want pupils to gain confidence in their abilities and excel in a broad range of skills and physical activities. Our PE lessons give our children the opportunity to do their best. The effort that the children put into their learning is praised and this ensures children are not afraid to fail.

PE or other physical activity takes place for 2 hours per week for all children in school.  All staff ensure that children are active for a large percentage of each PE lesson to help with fitness and enjoyment.

PE lessons are inclusive to all in the class and are adaptable so that each child learns a new skill at their own level. Each lesson builds on the skills and techniques taught in the previous lesson.  Personal challenge forms an integral part of Real PE lessons, particularly in Key Stage 2. Children are taught to challenge themselves in the lessons. The Real PE, Gym and Dance programs offer filmed demonstrations of each task for the children to watch and they can then move through the difficulty levels to suit their ability. Teachers will also adapt the task in the moment to provide an additional layer of challenge.

The multi-ability cogs, within the Real PE program, help our children to work collaboratively. The personal cog has a particularly focus on working on bettering yourself. Through this cog, children are taught to work sensibly to follow instructions and building up to being able to recognise areas for their own development and making the changes needed independently.                                               

In addition to the above, children take part in games, athletics, OOA and swimming (in Year 3) throughout the year.

The wide range of PE which is delivered to the pupils, aims to engage and inspire all pupils through the balance of Participation and Excellence:


Physical education taught across the school is wide and varied, both during the school day and as extra-curricular clubs.

Opportunities include:

  • PE lessons using the Real PE, Real Gym or Real Dance programmes (see above).
  • Traditional team games; football, netball, hockey, cricket
  • Individual pursuits; cross country, fitness training, athletics, golf, yoga
  • Bespoke activities: fencing, archery, climbing

Active Learning

In our experience, the key is to capture the imagination of the whole school community to generate excitement and interest in sports.

Our children all swim weekly for 20 sessions during Year 3. If the national standard of competent swimming is not met by this point (25m), we use our PE premium funding to subsidise 10 further sessions per pupil during Key Stage 2 to help them meet this minimum requirement.

Swimming Data out of 46 children in Y6.

Swimming competency up to and beyond 25m : 78%

Swimming competency using a range of strokes: 71%

Safe self-rescue water based: 71%

 A wide range of PE is delivered to the pupils, which aims to engage and inspire all pupils through the balance of Participation and Excellence:


In every aspect of school life, high expectations for all pupils are evident and ingrained in the culture and ethos of the school. Not unlike every other school, there is considerable pressure to maintain standards and good status, but the school’s leadership recognises that one of its key contributing tools for success has been the importance placed on competitive sport. Through sport, the children begin to develop the important qualities of discipline, resilience, communication, teamwork, and ambition: qualities that they are then able to use in their learning within the classroom.

From an early age, competitive sport is nurtured and encouraged, with KS1 pupils preparing for and entering local competitions in athletics, football, and gymnastics. In KS2, the school’s aim is for every child to take part in at least one sport festival, with staff identifying the pupils with specific talents in, for example, football, tennis or orienteering. Skills are taught through P.E. lessons and through a wide variety of sports provision offered after school, both through teachers but also through highly skilled sports coaches who, with their skill and interventions. This is led by class teachers and our Total Sport providers. This enables not only the less active pupils, but also the most able children to develop their skills in specific sporting interventions. This helps pupils to build on key skills ahead of tournaments and competitions and further develop their resilience, teamwork and passion of the sports which they participate in.

In Year 5 & 6, we deliver a Sports Leadership programme which is led by the Springboard School Partnership. Pupils use this to teach, plan and assess PE lessons and provide extra-curricular sporting opportunities for other pupils. This is an engaging project for all pupils. We also have a Year 6 SSOC (School Sports Organisational Crew), who lead play sessions during lunch times and who accompany other pupils to inter-school competitions in the area to act as mentors and supporters.

The school is keen to provide a wide range of extra-curricular clubs for pupils throughout the year. Pupils enjoy the opportunity to try new sports such as badminton, netball, yoga and mindfulness, netball, tennis, football, multi-skills, hockey, cricket, rounders, athletics and orienteering. We monitor participation and check uptake against gender, SEND and free school meals.

Partnership Work

Our school is part of the Springboard School Partnership, a group of over 40 primary schools and 2 secondary schools, which meet every term to plan competitions for the children and share good practice. We have found this beneficial as it has given our children the opportunity to participate regularly in inter-school competitions and use the wider range of resources which the secondary schools in the cluster are able to offer. There are a wide range of competitions, which allow all children to compete; for example, we have recently participated in a football tournament, swimming gala and KS1 multi-skills event. In the Cluster, we share documents we have produced; for example, a session was spent looking at how pupils are assessed, and successful pro-formas shared between us.

Sport events include: orienteering, rounders, tennis, cricket, golf, athletics, gymnastics, dance and rugby, and at Knaresborough St John’s there is 100% effort given in every event. The children’s achievements, for participation or success, are celebrated each time in assembly and regular updates are posted on Twitter and in our school newsletter.

We recognise the impact upon community cohesion, which is strengthened through the school’s involvement in competitive sport. Pupils from local primary schools build good relationships with other children with whom they will move to secondary school with.

Parental involvement is good at St John’s, with many of our parents offering to support or just come along and cheer on the team, and our relationships with parents are deeper and stronger as a result.

Whilst some schools choose to prioritise core subjects over the development of a strong sporting culture, we believe that the positive benefits upon the development of a child’s character of competitive sport, believing wholeheartedly that a child who learns to be resilient, disciplined, respectful and determined in the sports field will apply the same skills within the classroom.

To find out more about the Springboard School Partnerships click on the following link:

What our children say

Through meetings with Subject Champions the children said the following:

The children all said that they enjoyed PE with them referencing how they enjoy being active during lessons.

They discussed between themselves how they love to run about and burn off energy whilst doing exercise and learning new skills.

When asked about feeling successful in PE it was a resounding YES, from all of the children. They talk confidently about how they have been successful – e.g. being able to pass the basketball through my legs, I couldn’t do it to start and then I could – KS2 child.

Some of the children’s favourite things about PE:

  • Climbing
  • Being active
  • Pushing myself to the limit
  • Learning new skills

Transition between Key Stages

This is something that we will be focusing on this academic year. We aim to have joint lessons between Key Stages to help bridge the gaps between year groups. In the summer term, we are aiming to make links with the local high school to help bridge the gap for the children moving to KS3.

Information links related to funding and impact

  • July 2024 - Evidencing the Impact of the Primary P.E. and Sports Premium - The report for our school can be read by clicking here
  • Click here to see the Harrogate Sports Partnership Key Indicators of Improvement

 Our 2024-25 Sports Funding Breakdown:

How we plan to spend our PE Premium this year:

School Sports Partnership

Inclusion in the School Sports Partnership.                         

  • A PE and school Sport Specialist employed through the Partnership to positively impact on PE and School Sport at St. John’s e.g. supporting Greater Depth pathways, continuing to achieve the Gold standard for the School Games Award, provide support for PE subject leader role, workforce development, work on leadership opportunities, membership of the Youth Sport Trust as well as developing the new PE curriculum and assessment systems.
  • Employ a full time PDM (Partnership Development Manager) and Competitions Organiser to maintain and implement a year-round competition calendar throughout Harrogate and District.
  • Running sport competitions and increasing pupils’ participation in Level 2 School Games.

Staff Investment

  • Funding the Real PE Scheme to provide training for staff and a progressive curriculum for the children
  • Fund professional development opportunities for teachers in PE and School Sport.
  • Fund professional development opportunities for using ICT in the PE curriculum.
  • Funding a new assessment framework for PE in the new National Curriculum.
  • Increase leadership capacity of subject leader and SLE (Specialist Leader in Education) at St. John’s to share and develop the latest, innovative practice in PE and School Sport.
  • Hire specialist coaches to work with staff when teaching PE, as well as leading after school clubs.
  • Hire specialist coaches for KS1 with a focus on the fundamentals of movement.

Inspire Children 

  • Supporting and engaging 100% of Pupil Premium children in extra-curricular clubs.
  • Increase the number of extra-curricular clubs with a focus on healthy living.
  • Supporting Pupil voice through the SSOC
  • Support the Young Leader programme to increase activities available at lunchtimes.
  • Develop opportunities for children to be inspired in the PE curriculum.(New resources/ Visitors to school for workshops/ PE-themed school trips)

Totals   £  18,770