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In Reception, children show good concentration in well planned, absorbing and imaginative activities - Latest Ofsted ReportLeaders have established a positive culture for learning mathematics - Latest Ofsted ReportThe use of pupil premium funding is well targeted to support disadvantaged pupils’ learning - Latest Ofsted ReportDisplay walls are providing effective support for learning - Latest Ofsted ReportThe school, through its distinctive Christian character, is outstanding - Latest SIAMS ReportA culture of collective worship and prayer enables this large school to resemble a united caring family - Latest SIAMS Report



We value all children equally whatever their background, and aim to provide a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere that does not discriminate on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, culture, religion or ability.

The school holds the Inclusion Quality Mark for the support we offer to vulnerable pupils. Any pupil with S.E.N. / LDD (Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities) will be welcome at our school. In the event of a parent wishing to admit a child with such difficulties to the school, then every effort is made to accommodate the needs of the pupil.

The school does all that it can to ensure equal access to the whole curriculum for all children with Special Educational Needs, which includes children with disabilities. Procedures are regularly updated following our adoption of the Disability Equality Scheme which is a legal requirement in all schools, along with meeting the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act.  To find out how our school will support your child, please click here.

The school does all that it can to ensure that all parts of the building are accessible to all children including those with Special Educational Needs, which includes children with disabilities.

Elevate Academy trust have an SEND HUB Strategy which enables SENCO's to work across all of the trust schools to share experience and expertise. This team includes experienced SENCOs, Specialist teachers in Communication and Interaction, Autism and Social, Emotional and Mental Health and an Educational Psychologist. In addition to the allocated SENCo for the school, the team carry out regular visits to assess and support specific children and deliver training to all staff. This is in addition to the usual support available from the Local Authority SEN inclusion service. Please click here to read our Elevate SEND leaflet for more information.

For any further information, please contact our Elevate SENCO using the school's contact details:

Mrs Ziva Gough
Knaresborough St John's C of E Primary School 
Stockwell Road
North Yorkshire 

Tel: 01423 863265 


We also have a SEND Link person in school who regularly liaises with Mrs Gough and is in school full time. The SEND Link person is Mrs L Richardson, and she can be contacted via the school office on or using the telephone number above.

You can find the 2024/2025 SEND school information report here. 

Our SEND policy can be found here.

Please find the link to the SEND Local offer here.

Curriculum Maps

The Cognition and Learning map can be found here

The Communication and Interaction map can be found here

The Specific Learning Difficulties map can be found here

The Physical, Sensory and Medical map can be found here

The Autistic Spectrum Disorder map can be found here

The SEMH map can be found here


Questionnaire responses:

  • I am aware of how the school provides for my child (90% agreed)
  • Members of the SEN team are approachable and friendly (90% agreed)
  • Opportunities are planned to discuss the individual needs of my child with the appropriate members of staff (90% agreed)
  • Targets and strategies on Provision Maps are appropriate to my child’s needs (80% agreed)
  • My child feels they have someone to talk to if they need to (90% agreed)
  • My child is included in all extra-curricular activities and visits and strategies are put into place for them to succeed in these areas (90% agreed)

Direct quotes from parent / carer questionnaires: 

‘I think the school is amazing with my child and I couldn’t ask for more’.

‘Such excellent support, inclusivity and a caring, nurturing attitude which is apparent throughout all staff and reflected by children within school.'

‘Very happy with school support. Excellent, caring and supportive attitude from staff and environment in school. All staff are approachable and friendly and my concerns/issues are dealt with promptly. Lovely ethos of inclusion and acceptance in school which can also be seen in the attitudes of the children and their peers. Thank you for your endeavours’.

'St. John's School is fantastic and I feel it needs to be noticed more. I am so pleased with how they are with all the children, could not want for a better school for ____. I feel they are part of the family. No staff member is different, they are all the same; very pleasant, caring and real...we love them all'. 

'I think that it has really helped _____ to have speech and language therapists in school. The teachers continue to build on this too'. 

'Intervention has really helped my child and I am grateful for all the extra help that has been given to him. Interventions are also planned so that my child does not miss his favouite subject. Thank you for all your hard work'.