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In Reception, children show good concentration in well planned, absorbing and imaginative activities - Latest Ofsted Report

Spoken Language

Our intent:

  • Spoken Language and Listening skills are central to our curriculum.
  • Our aim is to inspire and challenge our children to achieve excellent standards in their spoken language, including all aspects of the National Curriculum objectives for spoken language.
  • We nurture our children’s Speaking and Listening skills so that they are capable of expressing their own ideas clearly and confidently, in a safe, supportive and stimulating environment.
  • We develop these skills so that our children are capable of expressing their own ideas clearly and with confidence in an environment, where everybody’s views are valued throughout school life and in preparation for their future.
  • Our approaches are aimed at ensuring that all children, regardless of background or circumstance, are excited and engaged when learning. Therefore, children are motivated to participate and talk about their learning.
  • We do this by ensuring that the learning is real, relevant and purposeful, with a focus on enriching experiences and opportunities both in and out of school. This is to ensure that all children, particularly those who are disadvantaged, have experiences to support their knowledge and understanding across the curriculum.
  • We enable our children to articulate their learning confidently and to remember knowledge and vocabulary.
  • We aim to ensure that any gaps in learning, as a result of COVID, are closed and pupils meet age related expectations in Spoken Language.
  • We immerse children in their learning through high quality texts which contain rich and ambitious vocabulary. 

 Our implementation:

  • In EYFS, spoken language is a fundamental part of the curriculum, through our Communication and Language curriculum. 
  • Children’s Speaking and Listening skills are developed through a variety of approaches: exploratory play, story time, talk partners, hot seating, PSHE/RSE sessions, assemblies, school productions and through collaborative learning across the curriculum.
  • We value children's contributions during discussions and encourage all children to listen carefully and actively, valuing and responding to others viewpoints and opinions. 
  • Subject specific vocabulary is embedded across the wider curriculum through teacher modelling, and our pupils are encouraged to use new words in their work. 
  • Children are regularly given opportunities to orally rehearse ideas for written work and discuss new vocabulary in lessons.  
  • We recognise that the quality and variety of language our pupils hear and share is vital for developing their vocabulary, grammar and comprehension.
  • Our St John's Seven commitment ensures that every child has access to a wide range of opportunities that enhance their experience
  • Reading is integral to teaching across our curriculum. Children use a range of fiction and non-fiction texts and poetry to enhance their use of vocabulary.
  • The Spoken Language curriculum is ambitious for children with SEND and those who are disadvantaged. Teachers identify gaps and support children through short interventions or targeted support throughout the day.

Our Impact: 

  • Pupils can access and follow our curriculum that has our vision for high expectations. 
  • Standards in books and assessment outcomes are strong. 
  • Children develop into confident communicators within the world around us.
  • Exposure to a wide range of language enhances children’s vocabulary and use of speech.
  • Children are able to speak clearly to a variety of audiences, express their thoughts and views, share their ideas and participate respectfully in and contribute to discussions.

Supporting Documents: