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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.
In Reception, children show good concentration in well planned, absorbing and imaginative activities - Latest Ofsted ReportLeaders have established a positive culture for learning mathematics - Latest Ofsted ReportThe use of pupil premium funding is well targeted to support disadvantaged pupils’ learning - Latest Ofsted ReportDisplay walls are providing effective support for learning - Latest Ofsted ReportThe school, through its distinctive Christian character, is outstanding - Latest SIAMS ReportA culture of collective worship and prayer enables this large school to resemble a united caring family - Latest SIAMS Report


 Collective_Worship_Policy_Autmn 2023.docxDownload
 elevate-rse-and-phse-policy-v.3-25.08.2023 Final.docDownload
 Home School Agreement 2022-23.docxDownload
 Elevate Supporting Children with Medical Needs Policy 23 V.3.pdfDownload
 Elevate-fire-safety-policy July 23 V.3.pdfDownload
 Positive Handling Policy (22.03.2023) (1).pdfDownload
 Elevate Screening & Confiscation policy v.2.pdfDownload
 EVC CLEAR & Children Off-Site-Policy 04.11.2022 (1).docxDownload
 Charging & Remisssions Policy v3.docDownload
 Behaviour CLEAR & Anti Bullying policy 2022-2023 (1).docxDownload
Showing 11-20 of 36
Showing 1-9 of 9

School policies will be reviewed on a three year cycle unless stated otherwise on the policy itself. The date on the policy shows when it was approved by the governors of the school and also the start of the review cycle.

A link to all Elevate policies can be found here:

Privacy notices

To find our privacy notices for the workforce and for the pupils of St John's CE Primary, please click on the embedded links or speak to a member of the school office.